Here you will find information available to those members with an account. This information is not for public consumption and should be treated accordingly. While the Nevada State Elks Association, Inc. will do it's utmost to keep this information current. If you see anything that is in question or out of date please email the NSEA Webmaster.
By clicking on any of the following categories you will be taken to relative info:
NSEA Manuals This section contains State Officer Guidelines, State Committee Chair Guidelines, Convention Guidelines, and other Documents Guidelines and Manuals. All Guidelines are stored in Adobe Reader format and can be viewed on the web or downloaded for off-line use. Each of the files has word search activated for easy location of specific information. Use your browser's back arrow to return to the Members Only page when you are completed with the State Manuals page.
Grand Lodge Manuals This section contains Grand Lodge Manuals and Guidelines covering Americanism, Auditing and Accounting, District Deputies, Drug Awareness Program, Elks National Foundation, Elks National Veterans Service Commission, Grand Lodge, Hoop Shoot, Internet, Local Lodge, Lodge Activities Committee, Membership Committee, Public Relations, Ritualistic Committee, Secretaries and Youth Activities Committee. All Manuals and Guidelines are stored in Adobe Reader format and can be viewed on the web or downloaded for off-line use. Each of the files has word search activated for easy location of specific information. Use your browser's back arrow to return to the Members Only page when you are completed with the Grand Lodge Manuals page.
Committee Report Forms This section contains the following Committee Report Forms: Government Relations, Americanism, Flag Day, Drug Awareness, Community Activities, Youth Acitivites, Hoop Shoot, Soccer Shoot, Lodge Activities, Elks Training, Most Valuable Student Scholarship, Vocational Scholarship, Blue Pig, National Veterans Service, Adopt-A-Vet, Credentials and Public Relations. Use your browser's back arrow to return to the Members Only page when you are completed with the Committee Reports pages.