Elks Training Course #4 - 2015-2016

Last Name
First Name
Your Lodge
Elks Membership Number
You can find your Membership number on your Membership Card. Your Membership number is NOT your Lodge number.
Your Status in your Lodge
1. The salary of a Lodge Officer must be definitely fixed by By-Law, and may be changed only by a By-Law amendment.  HINT
2. Parliamentary Authority: – The current version of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern all proceedings unless contravened by the Constitution or Laws of the Order, or the By-Laws of a Lodge.  HINT
3. Expenditures from earmarked funds must be handled as bills against the Lodge after approval of the body or committee in charge of the fund. Special funds should be kept segregated under control of the Treasurer. Earmarked funds should not be issued for another purpose. By-Laws may provide for special handling of earmarked funds.  HINT
4. A proposal to spend an amount in excess of the adopted budget must be referred to the Board of Trustees.  HINT
5. A Lodge may not vacate the position of a Trustee who is absent from meetings of the Lodge, or duty, during three consecutive months without good cause, because Trustees are elected for multi-year terms.  HINT
6. A Member of a Lodge has the right to visit another lodge without its consent.  HINT
7. No Lodge or Member may solicit aid from other Lodges or Members unless the solicitation has been approved by the District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler.  HINT
8. Failure of a Lodge to vote on a Constitutional Amendment submitted by the Grand Secretary within the time fixed by Section 17.030 or report the result of the vote thereon to the Grand Secretary shall be considered an act of contumacy.  HINT
9. The President of a State Association shall be a past Exalted Ruler prior to being elected.  HINT
10. All Lodges must depreciate fixed assets in accordance with the internal revenue code and U. S. Treasury Regulations.  HINT
11. A Member of the Lodge’s Auditing & Accounting Committee, an Officer, or a Member of the Club Management Committee should supervise taking of inventory and spot check pricing and extending.  HINT
12. A Budget is required for every entity of the Lodge (including Restricted Fund Activities) as expressed in Sec. 12.070 (Lodge), 16.020 (separate corporation) and 16.030 (Club and other facilities). These Statutes also require each entity report to the Lodge monthly their actual progress as compared to the budget.  HINT
13. A Lodge that normally has annual gross receipts of $50,000 or less is not required to file form 990N and may be required to file form 990T.  HINT
14. The Exalted Ruler should preside at all Lodge banquets for visiting officials; however, another can serve as Master of Ceremonies (MC).  HINT
15. A “Stray Elk” is a paid-up Member of another Lodge who resides within the jurisdiction of your Lodge.  HINT
16. Since dues are payable in advance, delinquency for any unpaid member begins on the first day of the dues-paying period.  HINT
17. It is mandatory that all Lodges have a Heritage Corner  HINT
18. The Exalted Ruler shall direct the Lodge’s Past Exalted Rulers Association to select the “Officer of the Year.”  HINT
19. When the Flag is posted at the Altar, the Eagle on top of the staff shall face directly forward in the direction of the Exalted Ruler’s station.  HINT
20. The last meeting in September of each year is designated as Roll Call Night.  HINT