Nevada was first in the nation with $24.132 per capita!
Our Legacy to the FutureIn 1928, one man's dream became a reality for all Elks and the community we serve. Then-National Presidentr John F. Malley envisioned a plan that would "unite the forces of the Order into a mighty army for the service of mankind." During the annual Grand Lodge Convention in Miami that year, Malley's call to service inspired delegates to take action by voting to establish the Elks National Foundation with an initial $100,000 grant. Today, the mission of the Elks National Foundation is to help Elks build stronger communities. We fulfill this pledge by investing in communities where Elks live and work. We provide tomorrow's leaders, our youth, with a healthy beginning; honor the Elks' pledge to never forget our veterans; help the state Elks associations accomplish their charitable objectives and fund projects that improve the quality of life in local Elks communities. A board of seven trustees, who are all past national presidents of the Order, governs the Elks National Foundation. The Foundation is located at the Elks national headquarters in the Elks Veterans Memorial in Chicago. The director, Jim O'Kelley, oversees the administration of the Foundation's day-to-day operations. The Foundation also has volunteers at the Lodge, district and state levels to help coordinate our fundraising strategy and implement our programs. Since inception, the Foundation has received more than $243.3 million in contributions and bequests. All unrestricted donations go into a permanent endowment fund, where each gift earns interest for lifetimes. Today we boast more than 100,000 active donors and an endowment fund valued at more than $619.2 million. The ENF has contributed more than $455.4 million toward Elks' charitable projects nationwide. These funds support our three college scholarship programs, the Elks National Drug Awareness Program, the Elks National Hoop Shoot Free Throw Program, the Elks National Veterans Service Commission, the Community Investments Program, and grants to State Elks Associations. This year, the ENF will invest a record $9.77 million in Elks communities through Community Investments Program grants for Elks Lodges. Community Investments Program grants—which include Beacon, Gratitude, Promise and Impact grants—offer your Lodge an opportunity to serve your community in ways that will raise the Lodge’s profile, energize the membership, encourage former members to return to the fold, and gain the notice of people who want to be part of an organization that’s doing great things. Thanks to the ongoing support of our donors, the ENF continues to expand on Malley’s vision, mobilizing Elks across the country into a force for positive change. Our MissionHelping Elks Build Stronger CommunitiesThe mission of the Elks National Foundation is to help Elks build stronger communities. We fulfill this pledge by investing in communities where Elks live and work. We provide tomorrow's leaders, our youth, with a healthy beginning; honor the Elks pledge to never forget our veterans; help the state Elks associations accomplish their charitable objectives and fund projects that improve the quality of life in local Elks communities. Like all Elks, the Foundation values the belief that charity is the greatest of all virtues and that by sharing and giving we have the power to replace sorrow and despair with hope and confidence. Donations to the Foundation help us fund programs that match our cornerstone values of knowledge, integrity and community. To view a brief steaming video that highlights the Foundation and its programs, click here. |