Mid-Term - CC 2023 Date of Report: 2023-05-03 Lodge: Sparks, Lodge #2397 Lodge Committee Chairperson: Stan Stoll Lodge Committee Chairperson E-mail Address: sparkselks2397@gmail.com Number of Elks: 3 Number of Elk Hours: 1 Number of Elk Miles Traveled: 42 Name and Title: Joe Paiva Present Position: Exalted Ruler Score: 100 Name and Title: James Angel Present Position: Incoming Lecturing Knight Score: 100 Name and Title: Stan Stoll Present Position: Ritual Coach / Esquire Score: 100 Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Comments: Sparks lodge 2397 installed a new lecturing knight this day and a ritual practice was held for the incoming lecturing knight. Entered by M Roberto. Date of Report: 2023-05-03 Lodge: Sparks, Lodge #2397 Lodge Committee Chairperson: Martin J Roberto Lodge Committee Chairperson E-mail Address: sparkselks2397@gmail.com Number of Elks: 3 Number of Elk Hours: 1 Number of Elk Miles Traveled: 42 Name and Title: Martin J Roberto Present Position: Orientation chairman Score: 100 Name and Title: Ron Rehn Present Position: Trustee Score: 100 Name and Title: Brad Hilliard Present Position: Incoming member Score: 100 Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Comments: Sparks Elks lodge 2397 conducted orientation for incoming member Brad Hilliard this night. Entered by M Roberto. Date of Report: 2023-07-02 Lodge: Sparks, Lodge #2397 Lodge Committee Chairperson: Stan Stoll Lodge Committee Chairperson E-mail Address: sparkselks2397@gmail.com Number of Elks: 2 Number of Elk Hours: 4 Number of Elk Miles Traveled: 28 Name and Title: Stan Stoll Present Position: Esquire Score: 100 Name and Title: Seth Hartigan Present Position: Leading Knight Score: 100 Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Comments: Stan Stoll, the lodge ritual coach, worked with our leading knight, Seth Hartigan, on the ER ritual role. Our leading knight was stepping in for the ER who was away at convention and we had initiation that same night. Submitted by M Roberto Date of Report: 2023-07-05 Lodge: Sparks, Lodge #2397 Lodge Committee Chairperson: Ron Rehn Lodge Committee Chairperson E-mail Address: sparkselks2397@gmail.com Number of Elks: 2 Number of Elk Hours: 3 Number of Elk Miles Traveled: 28 Name and Title: Ron Rehn Present Position: Trustee Score: 100 Name and Title: Pat Rehn Present Position: Member Score: 100 Name and Title: Steve Athney Present Position: Initiate Score: 100 Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Comments: Ron / Pat Rehn held orientation for incoming member Steve Athney. Submitted by M Roberto. Date of Report: 2023-07-25 Lodge: Sparks, Lodge #2397 Lodge Committee Chairperson: Joe Paiva Lodge Committee Chairperson E-mail Address: sparkselks2397@gmail.com Number of Elks: 1 Number of Elk Hours: 2 Number of Elk Miles Traveled: 14 Name and Title: Joe Paiva Present Position: Exalted Ruler Score: 100 Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Comments: ER je Paiva conducted orientation for three incoming members. Submitted by M Roberto. Date of Report: 2023-09-06 Lodge: Sparks, Lodge #2397 Lodge Committee Chairperson: Stan Stoll Lodge Committee Chairperson E-mail Address: sparkselks2397@gmail.com Number of Elks: 10 Number of Elk Hours: 20 Number of Elk Miles Traveled: 210 Name and Title: Joe Paiva, ER Present Position: ER Score: 100 Name and Title: Seth Hartigan, Leading Knight Present Position: Leading Knight Score: 100 Name and Title: Roland Minot, Loyal Knight Present Position: Loyal Knight Score: 100 Name and Title: James Angel, Lecturing Knight Present Position: Lecturing Knight Score: 100 Name and Title: Stan Stroll, Esquire Present Position: Esquire Score: 100 Name and Title: Denise Roberto Present Position: Chaplain Score: 100 Name and Title: Rick Linnenbrink Present Position: Inner Guard Score: 100 Name and Title: Jon Williams Present Position: Tiler Score: 100 Name and Title: Laura Murdock Present Position: Secretary Score: 100 Name and Title: Nora Magan Present Position: Secretary Score: 100 Comments: The district deputy attended the September 06, 2023, lodge meeting. The district deputy requested to observe a ritual initiation ceremony. With no active candidate awaiting initiation, a practice initiation was conducted as part of the meeting. Submitted by M Roberto. Date of Report: 2023-11-01 Lodge: Henderson/Green Valley, Lodge #2802 Lodge Committee Chairperson: Kevin Weise Lodge Committee Chairperson E-mail Address: elks2802@lvcoxmail.com Number of Elks: 0 Number of Elk Hours: 0 Number of Elk Miles Traveled: 0 Name and Title: N/A Present Position: N/A Score: 0 Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Comments: Henderson/Green Valley has not done a training program for this year. Date of Report: 2023-11-27 Lodge: Sparks, Lodge #2397 Lodge Committee Chairperson: Martin Roberto Lodge Committee Chairperson E-mail Address: sparkselks2397@gmail.com Number of Elks: 1 Number of Elk Hours: 2 Number of Elk Miles Traveled: 14 Name and Title: Martin Roberto, PER Present Position: PER/ Orientation presenter Score: 100 Name and Title: Brian Thurston Present Position: Future member Score: 100 Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Comments: On November 27, 2023, applicant Brian Thurston went through Sparks lodge 2397 orientation with PER Martin Roberto in preparation for his initiation into the lodge. Submitted by M Roberto. Date of Report: 2023-11-28 Lodge: Sparks, Lodge #2397 Lodge Committee Chairperson: Art Lindstrom Lodge Committee Chairperson E-mail Address: sparkselks2397@gmail.com Number of Elks: 19 Number of Elk Hours: 38 Number of Elk Miles Traveled: 266 Name and Title: Art Lindstrom Present Position: Board of Directors Score: 100 Name and Title: Denise Roberto Present Position: Chaplain Score: 100 Name and Title: Denise Stone Present Position: ENF cooridnator Score: 100 Name and Title: James Angel Present Position: Lecturing Knight Score: 100 Name and Title: Laura Murdock Present Position: Secretary Score: 100 Name and Title: Ron Rehn Present Position: BOD Score: 100 Name and Title: Pat Rehn Present Position: member Score: 100 Name and Title: Rick Stone Present Position: Reno member Score: 100 Name and Title: Brian Thurstaon Present Position: Future member Score: 100 Name and Title: Stan Stoll Present Position: Future member Score: 100 Comments: 19 Sparks elks attended Hoop Shoot training in preparation for this years hoop shoot event. The training was hosted by Art Lindstrom who is in-charge of the hoop shoot. Submitted by M Roberto. Date of Report: 2023-11-07 Lodge: Sparks, Lodge #2397 Lodge Committee Chairperson: Art Lindstrom Lodge Committee Chairperson E-mail Address: sparkselks2397@gmail.com Number of Elks: 19 Number of Elk Hours: 38 Number of Elk Miles Traveled: 266 Name and Title: Art Lindstrom Present Position: Hoop Shoot coordinator Score: 100 Name and Title: Joe Piava Present Position: ER Score: 100 Name and Title: Seth Hartigan Present Position: Leading Knight Score: 100 Name and Title: James Angel Present Position: Lecturing Knight Score: 100 Name and Title: 15 other members Present Position: member Score: 100 Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Comments: Hoop Shoot chairperson, Art Lindstrom, held a pre-event training to ensure the success of the upcoming hoop shoot contest. Nineteen Elks were in attendance. Submitted by M Roberto. Date of Report: 2024-01-26 Lodge: Sparks, Lodge #2397 Lodge Committee Chairperson: Joe Paiva Lodge Committee Chairperson E-mail Address: sparkselks2397@gmail.com Number of Elks: 1 Number of Elk Hours: 2 Number of Elk Miles Traveled: 0 Name and Title: Martin Roberto, PER Present Position: PER Score: 100 Name and Title: Debbie Masciorini Present Position: Future member Score: 100 Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Comments: On January 26, 2024, orientation was held for future member Debbie Masciorini. Submitted by M Roberto. Date of Report: 2024-01-29 Lodge: Sparks, Lodge #2397 Lodge Committee Chairperson: Joe Paiva Lodge Committee Chairperson E-mail Address: sparkselks2397@gmail.com Number of Elks: 2 Number of Elk Hours: 3 Number of Elk Miles Traveled: 24 Name and Title: Joe Piavia, ER Present Position: ER Score: 100 Name and Title: Ron Rehn, Trustee Present Position: Trustee Score: 100 Name and Title: John Bailhache Present Position: Future member Score: 100 Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Comments: on January 29, 2024, ER Joe Paiva and Trustee Ron Rehn held orientation for future member John Bailhache. Submitted by M Roberto. Date of Report: 2024-04-02 Lodge: Sparks, Lodge #2397 Lodge Committee Chairperson: Martin Roberto Lodge Committee Chairperson E-mail Address: sparkselks2397@gmail.com Number of Elks: 1 Number of Elk Hours: 2 Number of Elk Miles Traveled: 28 Name and Title: Martin Roberto PER Present Position: PER Score: 100 Name and Title: Junay Baihache Present Position: Future member Score: 100 Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Name and Title: Present Position: Score: Comments: Martin Roberto conducted orientation for Junay Bailhache prior to her initiation date of May 01, 2024. Submitted by M Roberto. Date of Report: 2024-04-13 Lodge: Las Vegas, Lodge #1468 Lodge Committee Chairperson: Steve Custer, ER Lodge Committee Chairperson E-mail Address: Scuster922@yahoo.com Number of Elks: 10 Number of Elk Hours: 250 Number of Elk Miles Traveled: 200 Name and Title: Steve Custer Present Position: ER Score: 100 Name and Title: J J Lynch Present Position: DDGER Score: 100 Name and Title: Jack Eslinger Present Position: Presiding Justice Score: 100 Name and Title: Don Wolf Present Position: Esquire Score: 100 Name and Title: Greg Weeks Present Position: Trustee Score: 100 Name and Title: Kim Hilton Present Position: Secretary Score: 100 Name and Title: Mark Hilton Present Position: Chaplain Score: 100 Name and Title: Rob Bradley Present Position: Loyal Knight Score: 100 Name and Title: Toni Weeks Present Position: Trasurer Score: 100 Name and Title: Chris Coyer Present Position: Trasurer Score: 100 Comments: April 13, 2024 DD Clinic held at Henderson/Green Valley Elks Lodge. Discussed roles of officers and Trustees. Spoke about teamwork, FRS.