Mid-Term - CC 2023 Date of Report: 2023-04-29 Lodge: Carson City, Lodge #2177 Lodge Committee Chairperson: Sabina Bye Lodge Committee Chairperson E-mail Address: sabinabye@gmail.com Comments: Information received during the Annual Meeting Date of Report: 2023-11-01 Lodge: Henderson/Green Valley, Lodge #2802 Lodge Committee Chairperson: Bill Wiseman Lodge Committee Chairperson E-mail Address: elks2802@lvcoxmail.com Comments: Adjustment have been made to the 2023-24 budget to aliign it with lodge income. Date of Report: 2023-11-12 Lodge: Laughlin, Lodge #2872 Lodge Committee Chairperson: kathleen hoss Lodge Committee Chairperson E-mail Address: laughlinelks2872@hotmail.com Comments: budget is being reviewed vouchers and deposit are being monitored and reviewed Date of Report: 2023-11-14 Lodge: Carson City, Lodge #2177 Lodge Committee Chairperson: William LaMar Lodge Committee Chairperson E-mail Address: billlamaracn@hotmail.com Comments: 6 Members, 3 hours, 10 miles, Budget reviewed and adjusted